mads with is dogsMads (they/them) is a Bay Area native, living in Oakland for the past 10 years. Childhood allergies prevented Mads from ever having a childhood pet so they spent their time obsessing and learning everything there is to know about dogs and animal care. To further their knowledge of animal husbandry, they did a year working on a ranch in Montana learning everything about holistic land management under the Temple Grandin style of animal husbandry work. Education brought Mads back to the Bay Area to finish their associates degree at Laney College. They previously worked for Blisshound as a dog walker and grooming transporter. They spend their free time working on ceramics at the Laney College art department or caring for their beloved dogs; thanks to the curative powers of allergy shots. They now have three of their own, Yukon, Leon, and Calcifer.